Bonus Treat

                        Transcript from "Get Help Scene" 
Hey, let's do "Get Help." LOKI
THOR "Get Help."
THOR Come on, you love it. LOKI I hate it.
THOR It's great. IT works every time. LOKI It's humiliating.
THOR Do you have a better plan? LOKI No.
THOR We're doing it. LOKI We are not doing "Get Help."

The elevator doors open. Thor supports Loki's weight with Loki faking a fatal injury.

THOR Get help! Please! My brother, he's dying.

A small group of Sakaarian guards turn toward Thor and Loki. One guard aims his gun at them.

THOR (CONT'D) Get help! Help him!

Thor picked up Loki and flings him at the guards, knocking them down like bowling pins. Loki stands up and Thor steps to Loki's side.

THOR (CONT'D) Classic. LOKI I still hate it. It's humiliating. THOR Not for me, it's not.

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