Joker Review…Something Different

-“All it takes is one bad day…and the mind as you know can be fragile, like gravity all the mind needs is a gentle tap to fall into madness.”

Hello good people of instagram. I have only done a handful of reviews for movies. The amount is as much as I can count on my two hands and aside from the miscellaneous stand alone action or mystery films the rest I have done are marvel based. Now before I begin this review the first segment is NON-SPOLIER! The second segment which will be marked ahead of time before you continue reading will not be non-spoiler as minor as the spoilers may be. Enjoy the read and leave any thoughts or comments below. Read at your own risk. 

————————————NON-SPOILER REVIEW————————————–

Firstly I think most people can agree that we were not pleased with the portrayal of Joker in Suicide Squad. It was horrible in my opinion and took away a lot of the true characteristics of joker, I was severely disappointed. I did not know much about the actor Joaquin Phoenix and low to mid expectations of the movie itself going in only moderately hyped by the trailers. However I can personally say this movie is a must see. I blew my expectations away and the portrayal is unlike we have ever had and I have to say out of respect and in remembrance of Heath Ledger, he would be both proud and pleased of this new performance. This movie was dark, symbolic, in depth, and kept it real. Something that holds true to what DC is supposed to be. I would watch this movie and have the rate a 10/10 knowing how complex this role is. If you are on the fence or think that nothing can be up to par since the Dark Knight trilogy you are wrong and should give this movie a chance.  It is truly a gritty, dark, and realistic , TAXI-DRIVER-esque depiction of one man’s descent into madness. 

—————————————–SPOILER REVIEW—————————————-

For all of those getting to this point, holy crap! I still feel like words still cannot adequately describe what we saw. The movie definitely does not hold back any punches. From killing his first victims in the subway, to killing the next and leaving a “finish the ending for yourself” when it reveals how the “girlfriend” was never truly with him to begin with and even killing his mother to the encounter with his “brother” bruce. It was spine chilling and jaw dropping. Although batman was not in this movie the ending was increible, made so much sense and truly forever bound their fates so to speak. There is so much to say about this movie which is why we will be covering everything we can in our next upcoming podcast. Tune in @tk_tomfoolery

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